Twelfth issue

"Noise Theory and Pratice"

Vol. 4 No. 2 (II, 2018)

Noise Theory and Practice. 2018; 2 (4): 1-49

The following topics are covered in the current Issue of the Journal:


  • Determination of the effective height and acoustic characteristics of the noise barriers;
  • Overview of compressor units and materials for noise reduction;
  • The problem of estimating the vibrational fields produced by surface Rayleigh waves by high-speed railways;
  • Analysis of calculation of effeciency noise barriers methodologies; 
  • Proposals for calculation of the noise barriers acoustic durability.

P. 2, 4



Shashurin A.E. 
Determination of the effective height and acoustic characteristics of the noise barriers
P. 5-10


Drozdova L.F., Chebotareva E.Y., Kudaev A.V.
Overview of compressor units and materials for noise reduction
P. 11-20


Ivanov N.I., Rassoshenko I.S., Krylov V.V.
The problem of estimating the vibrational fields produced by surface Rayleigh waves by high-speed railways
P. 21-29


Bezverkhaya E.A., Chebotareva E.Y.
Analysis of calculation of effeciency noise barriers methodologies
P. 30-39


Maslova S.S., Ivanov N.I., Rassoshenko I.S.
Proposals for calculation of the noise barriers acoustic durability
P. 40-49